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Term Definition
Septal defect

A congenital abnormality in the septum between the left and right sides of the heart.


A partition separating two chambers, such as that between the chambers of the heart.


Traits or diseases associated with the X or Y chromosome; generally seen in males.


A medical emergency in which the organs and tissues of the body are not receiving an adequate flow of blood. This deprives the organs and tissues of oxygen (carried in the blood) and allows the buildup of waste products. Shock can result in serious damage or even death.


A medication that lowers blood cholesterol levels by inhibiting HMG-CoA reductase. Some statin drugs such as Ciclosporin are ofte used to suppress the immune response of a transplanted organ. Common types of cholesterol-lowering drugs include statins, resins and nicotinic acid (niacin, gemfibrozil and clofibrate.


The abnormal narrowing of a passage in the body.


A device implanted in a vessel used to help keep it open.


The breastbone.


Mental or physical tension that results from physical, emotional, or chemical causes.


The sudden disruption of blood flow to the brain.

Sudden death

Death that occurs unexpectedly and from 1 to 24 hours after the onset of symptoms, with or without known preexisting conditions.


Light-headedness or fainting caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain.


The phase of the heartbeat when the heart muscle contracts and pumps blood from the chambers into the arteries.

Systolic blood pressure

When the heart contracts